I’ve always enjoyed working with felt. It’s easy to cut and you can make so many items with it. I can’t resist adding some super cute Halloween felt ghosts to our decorations this year. I’m sharing a fun tutorial for making your own felt ghosts, with a list of the supplies you will need and a template for all the parts. Gather your supplies and get making these sweet and spooky Halloween felt ghosts.
List of supplies:
Sheets of felt (black, white, yellow, purple, green and orange)
Matching thread
Fabric glue
A pair of scissors
Ghost Template – print this out
Select different coloured felt fabrics for the felt ghost pattern including white felt. Use a pencil or fabric marker to trace the template patterns on the selected felt fabrics and cut them out using scissors. The template includes patterns for the ghost bases, hat, hat belt, belt buckle, arms, eyes, pumpkin, and handle (for pumpkin basket).
Cut slits along 2 opposite sides of the belt buckle cutout. Insert the hat belt/ strip through the slits as shown in the picture.
Use fabric glue to attach the belt to a hat base cutout.
Place the 2 hat base cutouts together and prepare a needle with matching thread. Work flat blanket stitches or running stitches along the side to join the 2 bases.
Glue the oval cutout along the middle of the pumpkin base cutout and glue the handle cutout on the top side to complete the pumpkin basket pattern.
Take a ghost base cutout and glue eye cutouts to it. Use a black thread to stitch the mouth.
Use a pink sharpie to add blush spots on the cheeks, below the eyes.
Place the plain base cutout under the stitched base.
Place the arm cutouts on both sides of the top base pattern.
Prepare a needle with white thread and stitch around the sides. Keep a small opening for stuffing. We are using cotton for stuffing.
Once the stuffing is done, close the opening and secure the thread by tying 2 or 3 knots. Insert the needle through the felt pattern and draw it out in the opposite direction. Cut off extra thread.
Attach the felt pumpkin between the arms and felt hat to the top of the felt ghost pattern.
You could adapt this free Halloween felt ghost tutorial to make different accessories for your felt ghost. Make a felt toffee apple, candy corn or trick or treat bucket! Switch up the colours of the hat and make these however you want for Halloween.